The coffee plant

The coffee plant

Coffee bushes can grow up to four meters high and bear fruit known as coffee cherries. The coffee beans are the seeds of these cherries. In contrast to ordinary cherries, the stone consists of two parts, which are surrounded by a silver skin and a parchment skin.

Coffea arabica, also known as Arabica, thrives best at higher altitudes of 900 to 1800 meters. Compared to the Robusta coffee plant, it grows more slowly and therefore develops a strong and concentrated aroma. However, cherries have a lower caffeine content than the Robusta coffee plant.

Robusta coffee is mainly grown in lower-lying areas. This type of plant is less susceptible to diseases, heat and high humidity. For these reasons, it was given the name Robusta over time. In addition, the Robusta plant bears more fruit than the Arabica plant, which also ripens more quickly. At two to four percent, the caffeine content is around twice as high as that of Arabica coffee.

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