Current menu

Here you can view our current menu

Simply note your order and order at the counter.

Our coffee specialties


2,20 €

3,60 €

Espresso macchiato

2,80 €

4,30 €


3,60 €

5,30 €

Latte macchiato

4,10 €

5,70 €

Coffee (crème)

2,50 €

3,90 €

Flat White

4,90 €

6,40 €

Hot milk with honey

3,10 €

4,50 €

Oats Milk(Ext.)

0,50 €

0,70 €

Lact. Free milk (Ext.)

0,50 €

0,70 €

Extra shot of coffee

- €

1,40 €

Decaf coffee

0,50 €

0,70 €

Cocoa, chai and tea

Organic cocoa 70% pure

4,40 €

6,00 €

Oats Milk(Ext.)

0,50 €

0,70 €

Chai Latte (organic)

4,50 €

6,00 €

Cocoa with espresso

5,70 €

6,90 €

Chai latte with espresso

5,70 €

6,90 €


4,70 €

6,20 €


3,80 €

5,40 €


3,60 €

5,10 €

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